Welcome to Allness Kinesiology.
To find happiness, take a journey and discover all parts of YOU.



Kinesiology and Kinesiology facials assist your body to recalibrate the energy flow, allowing you to feel lighter, clearer and experience inner freedom.

Cord Cutting

An ancient technique to remove any ties that bnd you.  Once all ties are disconnected you will no longer feel an invisible pull towards the past and can begin creating positive changes in your life.

Healy Therapy

The Healy bio-resonance machine measures imbalances within your body and works to recalibrate them back to a healthy balance.  

Bringing your mind, body and soul back to balance with Kinesiology


Hello! I’m Poppy

Im based in the Sutherland Shire, Sydney and I believe that we have the wisdom within us and on our land to ignite our own healing. I believe that by removing suppressed emotions stored in our bodies, we can increase our health, clear our minds and make better lifestyle choices.  

I believe that maintaining a healthy perspective on what life deals to you, will have a positive effect on your mind and body.

“It is part of our Human Design to feel healthy, strong, happy and passionate about life.”    

~ Poppy Manoussakis

Why Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a gentle modality that will assist in the removal of the heaviness of negative emotions which are weighing you down.

Through life and all its imprints, there are some memories, events and thoughts which the logical mind can find solutions and even resolutions to, however the subconscious holds the suppressed frequency of each within your cell memory.

Heavy? Fatigued? Unfulfilled?

People experience this as a heaviness or fatigue, an un-fulfillment, a resistance to happiness. Some may go through life with a deep sense of unexplained nervousness or hopelessness.

The feelings or vibrations of these negative emotions are embedded within our cells, so that over time this negativity begins to feel like our natural state of being.


Kinesiology assists in finding the emotions which are causing the suppressions and gently shifts them out, releasing them from your subconscious and in turn, eradicating their manifestation in your physical state.

The act of releasing the emotional trauma is achieved without having to relive the experience of the past event. This is achieved through capturing and deleting the cluster of emotional patterns which are held within your body and translated through your emotional state and often into your physical state.

Once the underlying negative emotions are shifted you will begin to experience a lightness, akin to a deep sense of peace, start to emerge from within you.

This feeling is a sense of freedom that may be translated as happiness, or clear thought. It is your innate way of being before the darkness of trauma marked your life.

Kinesiology can aid

Greater Inspiration / Motivation

Weight Management

Mental Clarity











Better relationships, mainly with yourself

And much more

Kinesiology can eliminate


Pain & Tension


Head Aches

Brain Fog

Mind Chatter



Trapped Emotions


Addictive/undesirable Habits

Sleep Walking


Learning Disorders

Limiting Beliefs

Self Sabotage

And much more


Bringing your mind, body and soul back to balance with Kinesiology

Allness Kinesiology was inspired by Hippocrates. He was the father of modern medicine in 460 BC, on the island of Kos in Greece.

Hippocrates coined the now famous Hippocratic Oath, which states that all medical practitioners ‘Should first do no harm’.

He believed and encouraged that all practitioners must know and study the human body and how it works. His philosophy of medicine was strongly held and virtuous, and was expressed as such:

“If someone wishes for Good Health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.”

“Health is the greatest of human blessings.”

“Foolish the Doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.”

  Hippocrates 460BC.

Hippocrates dedicated his Healing Sanctuary to the God Asclepios –The God of Medicine.

Thus, ALLNESS was inspired by a philosophy which was created by the illustrious Father of Modern Medicine and thereafter followed and continued by eminent medical practitioners for many centuries since.

Hippocrates had a wing at his Healing Sanctuary in Kos called The Allness Sanctuary, honouring the essence of man and encompassing all areas of one’s life in order to find the core root of disharmony.

Kinesiology addresses one’s mental, physical, nutritional, emotional and recreational way of being. It is believed that if there is a disharmony in one area, it will impact all other areas, causing a disharmony within the whole system.

Contact me and lets begin!


What service(s) are you interested in?

Where hope lives, miracles follow.

I invite you to ask a question or book an appointment by filling in your details below.

If you would prefer, you can email me at poppy@allnesskinesiology.com.au or text 0419 260 230. 

I will get back to you as soon as possible.


I had a session with Poppy which blew me away. Her unique layering of different therapies cuts to the core fast. I was left feeling elated, balanced and clear after. Highly recommended.

Erin Ricketts


For anyone interested in a balance, the lovely Poppy is brilliant. I’ve had many sessions with her and can say from my own experience that she is incredibly gifted. You will leave feeling at peace in your mind, body and spirit.



I had a Kinesiology facial with Poppy 
last week and it was beyond phenomenal the before and after photos were just WOW!
I highly recommend Poppy Manoussakis.
Alexis Jane