Let us take a journey to discover who we are, what we really want, and why the behavioural patterns in our life persists.

The human body is a wonderland of exciting networks.

Of particular interest is how and why it communicates on a physical level, and then how that translates to our thoughts, actions and reactions in response to the outside world and a host of everything in between. We can spend a lifetime marveling about how genius this truly is.

Did you know you have control?

Afterall, it is YOUR body and YOUR mind.

Therefore, it is essential that you remember one important mantra: your temple, your rules!

As complex as it seems to be it is also so simple, once we understand that we are in control.

Discovering why we react in certain ways and how our reactions are controlling our thoughts is a tool we must all seek to understand and master.



Knowing we have choices is key. We all have the choice to react, feel and direct our thoughts.

WE have the choice to choose happiness.

When a situation arises in our life, we have the choice to sit with ourselves and ask, ‘Why am I reacting like this?’ and, ‘How would I like to react?’

We can choose to see it as a gift or a curse, it is completely our choice.

Whatever we choose will strengthen our neurological response. A pathway will be created that leads most reactions in the same direction, creating new habitual thoughts and reactions.

We must choose carefully; we must perhaps choose with the idea in mind of how we would prefer to feel.

This will help us to create neuropathways which will support and eventuate in our desired outcome.

As people we often have repetitive thought patterns, these usually tend to be negative thoughts, these lowers our vibrations and this then becomes a cycle we become trapped in.

This perpetuates into a stream of thoughts which translates into the body’s functioning system and sets off our sympathetic nervous system, hence lowering organ function, which subsequently sets off an array of other physical manifestations. Some of these include, an increased heart rate, interrupted sleep, food cravings (to fill up voids), more negative feelings, an inability to experience happiness, lethargy and feelings of anger and sadness, just to name a few.


We have a choice to choose happiness as opposed to buying into the Monkey Mind.

We can choose to see the gifts in the events which we have experienced.


Search for greater awareness and accept that it may be for a greater reason that we are not yet aware of.

Having faith that the world is on our side, rather than our default mindset, that we are a victim of circumstance.


Unpleasant things happen in life, it does not mean we have to allow them to defeat us. Everyone experiences all emotions, fear, anger, guilt, worry, sadness, joy, happiness.

So too, we all experience a myriad of reactions such as, laughter, excitement, crying, lethargy; the list is endless.

The secret is to choose to feel, experience, ‘innerstand’, understand and decide which one we would like to activate more often and how we would like it to manifest within our life and our body.

We should learn to become explorers of OURSELVES.

‘Innerstand’ how our body and mind work and why. Choose to be the Tour Guide of our own life adventure. 

Our body and its functions relate to our thoughts, which determine our reactions.

This is the energetic system of who we are. The physical system is impacted via our Autonomic system.

This system is made up of the Nervous system which is dictated by the parasympathetic and sympathetic system. 




The relationship between us and our emotions 


Emotions are invisible energies which run through our body, they are constantly moving, shifting, attaching, reacting. 

They may cause harmonies or disharmonies. They are the expressions of feelings.

Therefore, emotions influence our reactions via our thoughts and our body will follow.

For instance, if we have the thought, ‘I feel defeated’, our body will respond via a psychosomatic response and roll our shoulders forward, weaken our immunity and lethargy will most likely occur.


Here is another example of mind- body response – if we experience intense fear or anger, our brain sends out signals and we have the physical reaction of a racing heart, our muscles contract and our sweat glands produce more liquid.


 In both examples our ability to think clearly is often affected. Therefore, coming up with a solution may be challenging as the energy does not flow as freely to the limbic brain nor the Neocortex (front part of the brain).

Our subconscious is so loving and always supportive that it assists in the process and automatically (subconsciously) places our palm onto our forehead to assist in the energy flow to our Neocortex to assist in decision making.

Our autonomic nervous system has 2 branches of activity. The sympathetic (fight or flight) branch which speeds up our heart rate as it signals us to prepare for action, and the parasympathetic (relaxation) branch which slows down the heart rate as it sends out signals for rest and recovery.

Different emotions send different messages through our nervous system connecting to our heart, our brain and body.

We feel the energy of the emotions running through our body, feelings of excitement, such as butterflies in our belly, or our heart racing and we start to sweat.


When we experience a cycle of intensely negative emotions like anger, fear, frustration, grief, Science has now discovered that this compromises our autonomic nervous system with stress signals, causing the neural networks to become stuck or jam up.

Eventually, a state of chaos takes over our autonomic nervous system and our stress response gets jammed to the point that it stays on.

This leads to a whole host of mental and physical issues.

We become trapped in a constant state of Fight or Flight.

We now know that the autonomic nervous system is known to stimulate the hormonal production and response.

It has been said that prolonged stress is recognised as the primary cause of disease and may lead to premature death.

Manifestations of autonomic nervous system imbalance include common symptoms of headache, hot flashes, irregular heartbeat, nervousness, depression and anxiety and hormonal disturbances.

Having a balanced Autonomic nervous system is essential for healthy functioning of the body, mind and emotions.

Scientific understanding now suggests and agrees that the ancient methods of relaxation and shifting energy via different methods will enhance our health, both mental and physical.

Releasing the stagnant emotions, creating new neuropathways, bringing awareness to triggering events and creating better stories of our life experiences which will support our well-being is a key ingredient to supporting a happier and healthier life.

The most potent antidote for overcoming autonomic nervous system imbalances is simple, we must maintain a nourishing diet of positive feelings and uplifting emotions such as, appreciation, love and compassion, in order to signal our nervous system to relax and promote an internal environment of peace and harmony.

Our positive emotions affect all the tow branches of our autonomic nervous system and aid them in becoming aligned and in sync with one another.

It is only then that it is possible for our body’s glands and organs to work together in a harmonious way and as a result our heart’s rhythm will become synchronized and harmonious.

Consciously choosing what it is that we want to influence our mind and our emotions by deciding what we say, think and express is essential for good health.

We must recondition our mind to control and choose our thought patterns.

It is ultimately our decision and our commitment to ourselves to decide and put into practice which emotional pattern we want. We can choose happiness, or we can choose to remain stuck in negative, destructive thought patterns, which are ultimately detrimental to our health.


Only we have the choice. Which will you choose?