
Choose happiness. It feels better.

As a certified kinesiologist, I’m here to help you.

Together we can change the repetitive cycles, heal the past traumas, clear heavy emotions and transform the way you interact with yourself.



$150 for a one hour session


$150 for a one hour session


Kinesiology is a beautiful, ancient, healing art, used to help the mind, body and spirit return to a happy balanced state.

Kinesiology, via muscle testing, identifies the emotions which have negatively impacted you and are being stored in your body.  Stagnant, negative emotions show up as physical pain, negative thought patterns, poor habits, decisions and actions.

Through muscle testing we find the core event which has manifested as negative emotions, linked to a memory and has subsequently attached to an organ.  This creates a continuum repetitive behaviours and thought patterns in your life. 

As the awareness comes through, we shift the stagnation of the energy, which allows the natural flow of energy and recalibrate you, in turn releasing the negative emotion. 

This release will enable you to feel lighter and bring you back to your natural balanced state. You will feel happier and lighter and will be able attain clarity, consequently resulting in better decision making and life choices.

Kinesiology empowers you, allowing you to accept inner freedom, peace and joy.  You will gain the ability to be completely present and therefore enjoy life, forgive the past and look forward to your future from a new, open and optimistic perspective, while still enjoying the present moment.

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”    Hippocrates

Kinesiology Facial

$170 for a one hour session

Kinesiology Facial

$170 for a one hour session

Kinesiology Facial | $170

I use my own organically formulated skin care products and essential oils to take you on this special journey.

As our eyes see what goes on inthe world around us, our mind captures the pictures and translates them into emotions.  Some emotions don’t always serve us and leave an imprint on our face and our subconscious.

Kinesiology facial is designed to energetically remove the emotions that no longer serve you, via the energetic points on your face.

Gently infusing the emotional frequencies that your soul is searching for.

As you go on a meditative journey, allowing the awareness to gently flow into your consciousness whilst receiving a Chakra balance.

“The secret of change is to focus ALL of your energy, NOT on fighting the old, but on building the NEW.” ~ Socrates

Cord Cutting

$60 individual session

$40 group session

Cord Cutting

$60 individual session

$40 group session

Cord Cutting

$60 or $40 for a group session

Cord cutting is a wonderful 100 year old technique to remove any ties that link you. 

Once all the ties are disconnected, you will no longer feel an invisible pull towards the past.  Using your own higher consciousness.

You will create positive changes in your life and a sense of inner peace.

Cutting the ties that bind you is a beautiful way to step into your own freedom and create your own happiness, without the silent voices of the past teachings, thought forms, beliefs and patterns that don’t belong to you. 

Cords that are connected to vows, oaths, via the ancestral line and past lives are gently disconnected and a heart to heart connection is re-established between you and your loved ones.

“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ~ Aristotle

Healy Bioresonancy Therapy

$70 for a one hour session

Healy Wellness Therapy

$70 for a one hour session

  Healy Bio-resonance Wellness Therapy | $70

The Healy machine is It is a non invasive look into your body.  Healy is a Bio Resonance device which energetically scans your body and its frequency.  The Healy scans your mental, physical, emotional states and measures any disharmonious imbalances within your body, emotional state and Chakra systems and then aims to recalibrate back to healthy balance through vibration.

Individual Healy Session $70 for 1 hour

Kinesiology and Healy Session $170 for 1 hour

“Man is a being in search of meaning.” ~ Plato

Are you ready?  

I invite you to ask a question or book an appointment by filling in your details below.

If you would prefer, you can email me at or text me on 0419 260 230.

Start your healing journey today!


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